71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
+44 204 538 7610

Water treatment in industry

Chlorination Systems and Accessories

Pharmaceutical industry, Beverage industry, Food industry, Metallurgic industry, Pulp industry

Each industrial application has specific requirements for water treatment therefore we always first identify the problem and offer a custom solution which includes our know-how for the installation and also our products for:

  • Disinfection of process water
  • Dosing of chemicals
  • Measurement of different parameters in water
  • Regulation
  • Automation
  • Filtration

Every industry has its own peculiarities. This is especially true for water treatment and chemical fluid handling processes.

For example, purified water is a basic requirement of any pharmaceutical industry, in food industry water for the processing as well as utility water must correspond to the quality of potable water, in paper industry during the production process of paper, multiple chemicals (additives) need to be added and a large number of parameters need to be measured and controlled.